Friday, July 8, 2011

My Brother has a Wife

Still odd for me to say, but my brother is married, has a wife, and I have a sister-in-law.

It was a great long weekend that I was a part of, although I couldn't do it on a regular basis.  I went to the zoo (f off haters, sometimes you gotta do the sensitive stuff for the girl) and thought I was gonna collapse due to heat exhaustion and having no gas in my legs.  Friday was the 1st and hopefully only Annual Craig Burrows Freedom Outing, which grouped friends and family who fancy themselves golfers against one another for some cash and bragging rights.  Seeing as how I organized it, it would be fitting that my group would win the whole thing, although there was no foul play involved.  All you boys just need to tighten your games up, that's all.
Lou had been losing at the track, so my win helped to recoup some losses.  That, and the
Smails kid picking his nose.

Then came the rehearsal for the ceremony and rehearsal dinner.  To me, this past weekend was nothing but a blur of open bars, and a lot more hard liquor than I am used to drinking.  For those of you who have never drank Bombay Sapphire and tonic with a lime, I highly recommend it.  After rehearsal dinner, stoagies were lit to celebrate The Brother's last evening as a free man (and to try and make sure he really wanted to go through with it).

Saturday was a relaxed morning.  The photographer was set to arrive at 11:15 AM, so naturally, our preparation for the arrival started at approximately 11:08 AM.  Took a few photos with the groomsmen, slugged a few brews, and started on our way to a life of imprisonment for The Brother.  Beautiful ceremony, although seemed long when you are standing on your feet on a tile floor with tuxedo shoes on. Limo bus escorted the wedding party to various locations for pictures, as well as giving us an opportunity to loosen up with some libations before the reception.  The rest of the night flew after my speech, which if you have not seen, can be viewed here, but fun was had by all.  Nobody got too rowdy, but there were numerous people who needed cabs.

But enough about the wedding, I need to talk about the Tribe last night.  Sitting there watching them get no two out hits and leave countless men on base, I became frustrated.  Batista made an unbelievable play at third base, and then hit a bomb 2/3 of the way up the bleachers in the 8th for the "4th insurance run" when it looked all game like 1 would be enough.  Then a single, a couple walks, another single, and Hafner strolls to the plate.  He takes a huge hack at the first pitch (to which i received a text from an AnF employee who shall remain nameless saying "I said: 'please dont swing at the first pitch.") As soon as it left the bat he turns toward the Toronto dugout, flexes, yells, and takes his walk around the diamond after his second last at bat homer this season. 
Hafner's "Do you know how big my dick is?" Face

The only thing close to being as entertaining was Luis Perez' reaction, yelling his disgust into his glove, the way Little Leaguers do when they don't want their Dad to hear them cuss.  Here's to hoping the Tribe can end the break on a high note, and carry it into the second half.

Bobbaganoosh's Beer Corner Recommendation of the Week:  No beer choice this week.  Have a Bombay and Tonic with a lime and enjoy.



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