Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Big Weekend Ahead...

Big weekend upcoming in Bobbaganoosh's life.  The younger brother is parting ways with bachelorhood and getting hitched.  It was inevitable and only a matter of time until it happened, so I can't really say that I didn't see it coming.  He's got a good girl, she's moving to TN with him, and they will start their new life together.

I will attempt to have my speech taped, and see if I can even link it to here when i recover from what is sure to be a very long weekend.  Lots of out of town family are descending on Cleveland, so it will be good to catch up and throw back a few drinks with them.

On another note, I would just like to express my absolute disdain for Grady Sizemore in particular and the offense of the Cleveland Indians.  I know they won last night, but the hitting from this team over the past month has been a joke.  Sizemore needs to spend more time in the cage and not so much time taking pictures of himself in the mirror, fucking pretty boy.

Management has a big decision to make in the next few weeks too.  With the trade deadline just over a month away, do they deal the talent for more "prospects", or do they say "let's try and make a run at the Central" and go out and get a bat?  Only time will tell.

Beer Recommendation of the Week:  Thirsty Dog Whippet Wheat

Everyone enjoy their long holiday weekends, and don't be stupid and drive drunk.  Ask Shin Soo Choo.  Or Ryan Dunn.  Too soon?



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