Wednesday, June 1, 2011

There was only One Way this could End...

I am not shocked.  

I woke up Monday morning with a terrible headache, after hosting a little barbeque for The Peanut's birthday weekend with some great friends.  I don't know if it was the 18 beers (ballpark) that I consumed, or if After my ESP was in overload from the news I was about to learn. 
Actual photo captured Monday morning in my bedroom

The parents were driving home from a weekend out of town and she said she had heard Jim Tressel had been fired.  Well, it turned out it was a resignation, but either way, his days of leading my alma mater's football program had come to an end after a tumultuous 6 months of speculation and accusations (most of which is turning out to be correct, and much worse than anyone expected).
The storm clouds had gathered at the Spring Game for Tressel

This is the only way this story could have ended.  The University had to part ways with JT in an effort to gain some mercy from the NCAA.  If he was still at the helm of the football program during the August Infraction Committee meetings, they would have thrown the book at OSU.

Gene Smith needs to lose his job.  You expect me to believe that the head of one of the largest athletic departments in the country had no idea that this many infractions were occurring within his most profitable sport?  C'mon Man...
Gene Smith's 'This was an isolated incident' face

 And who would  have thought, that the stud dual threat QB from Jeanette, PA, a recruit  Tress pursued probably harder than any other in his tenure, would ultimately lead to his demise?  Terrelle Pryor is a virus to that program.  And what is worse, you see him driving around in his sports car, smiling and waving to the ESPN cameras without an ounce of remorse for what has happened to his coach, and on a bigger scale, the program.   I always knew he was a cocky piece of trash, but now to let your coach burn so you and your buddies can get inked up and smoke a little herb, that’s not right.

As for replacements, which I know is where Buckeye Nation will speculate over the next who knows how many months, will have no answers until everyone knows what type of sanctions and penalties are going to be levied against the program.   No coach wants to come to a school where they are not bowl eligible before they take the field in their first game.  Mark Dantonio’s name has been thrown around, but I think he has turned a corner, and would be stupid to leave East Lansing.  Bo Pelini, of the newly minted Big Ten Nebraska has also been named, because he was a Earle Bruce disciple, as well as Urban Meyer.  The severity of the punishment is going to determine who they get.  We’ll see.  I also think this is just the beginning, and the lid is gonna be blown off a lot more problems.

In unrelated news, I managed to run a hellacious 5.25 miles of hills in Chagrin Falls Sunday with The Peanut and my good buddy, The Leb Stallion.  Although I was sweating like a whore in church, my mind was put at ease when The Leb Stallion and The Peanut, both of whom ran the Cleveland Half Marathon within the last month, said this five miler was more difficult than the 13.1 they ran in Cleveland.

Enjoy the short week everyone.



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