Monday, May 16, 2011

Inaugural Post

To those of you who will actually visit this blog, welcome!  Sorry that you have nothing better to do than read the ramblings of an opiniated ass like me.  I thought I would start one after I learned The Peanut did nothing but read them 7 hours a day, ballpark.

I signed up for a half marathon in Columbus this afternoon after The Peanut finished her first one yesterday, posting a solid 2:13 in the first half The Peanut has run.  Not bad, for someone who's hardest running in their life was at parties as an underaged undergrad, and that was usually in sandals.

It's The Moose's mother's birthday today.  She hits the Big 5-0, and would probably kill me for telling this to the world (or 3 people who actually read this blog.)  Happy Birthday Mom.  For all your eccentricities, I love you.

Whoever said "April Showers bring May flowers" can kiss my ass, as it seems that it hasn't stopped raining in 57 days.  Living in Cleveland this spring has almost been a fate worse than death.  I don't even bother making tee times anymore because I know I will just be playing through a varying degree of rain, and no one else is stupid enough to want to play in this crap.

Anyway, I think I am done for post numero uno.  I will hop on here and give my thoughts on anything I see that I want to vent about.  If you dont agree, or don't want to read the blog anymore, there is an alternative for you at this site.


The Moose

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