Tuesday, October 4, 2011

There is something wrong with the Sky

Actual photo of Greater Cleveland over the past 10 days

As I look out my window, I am noticing something that is stunning me.  The sky outside has taken on this light blue hue that must be some sort of chemical reaction that has been released into the atmosphere over Northeast Ohio.  Someone should alert the authorities.

The Fall was always a time in the year that I truly looked forward to.  It was a time when the leaves changed colors, the temperatures cooled down, and football was getting started.  Enjoying the changing colors, along with my affinity for cold weather and football made it the perfect time of the year.  Beer takes on a different taste  and we all start preparing ourselves for the impending doom of winter.  Its our last opportunity to enjoy the outdoors before we lock ourselves inside for 4 to 5 months.

I have been training over the past few months for the Columbus Half Marathon that will take place in a little under two weeks.  I would like to claim I am prepared, but I don't feel that I am.  With a long of 8 miles thus far, I don't see how I will finish without breaking my goal of not walking.  I know I still have time, but I am going to have to dig deep.

Something that is in worse shape that my training in the Ohio State Football program, which continues to blindly follow this douchebag of an AD, Gene Smith.  It came out yesterday that two of the suspended players, and an additional offender accepted more payment than was appropriate for summer jobs, and will thus be suspended for this upcoming weekends drubbing at the hands of Nebraska.  Smith is continuing his defense that "it's a few bad apples and not a loss of institutional control."  This is the same guy that ran Jimmy T out of town, putting the blame solely upon his shoulders.  Fuck you, Gene Smith.  Your head needs to be the next to roll.

After watching the offensive ineptitude that OSU displayed against Michigan State, I am debating watching the assured dismantling at the hands of the Cornhuskers.  OSU's season will be like a car crash to me:  I don't want to watch, but I can't look away.  

In tech news, Apple is supposed to unveil the next iPhone's.  If I didn't have one, I would care, and if they weren't set to release an iOS update that is a game changer I would care.  I am more amped for the iOS launch than seeing the new phones.

Anyway, my beer selections of the week are Southern Tier Pumking and Thirsty Dog Barktoberfest.  

Both are great autumn brews that will keep your insides warm when the mercury starts to drop.  I know everyone is washing the balls of Yuengling because they finally released it in Ohio, but these two choices are only available during  this time of the year, so don't pass 'em up.



Thursday, September 1, 2011

My apologies...

To all 4 of you who actually read this blog on a regular basis, sorry for the extended absence of fresh material from my brain.  Been a busy few months, what with weddings, weekend trips, winning club championships, and joining my first fantasy football league (I'm gonna get rolled).

I'm gonna take the time today to discuss my Alma Mater, and how I see the season progressing, on a game by game breakdown of the Buckeyes' schedule.  I will be attending this weekend's game against MAC powerhouse, Akron.  Thanks Alumni Lottery, how did you know that I really wanted the Akron game?  What a waste of $150.

Anyway, here we go...

Akron- Sept. 3
One of the 2-3 cupcake games that OSU puts on the schedule every year.  A little more than a glorified practice.  Buckeyes Record: 1-0

Toledo- Sept. 10
The cupcake  games I just referenced...you guessed it, here is #2.  Buckeyes Record: 2-0

@ Miami (FL.)- Sept. 17
The Battle of the Broken Programs.  With all of the offseason issues  both of these programs have faced, it will be interesting to see how each one comes out and plays (Miami only plays at Maryland prior to the OSU game, and should be prepared, but with what players remains unknown.)  Ohio State will have yet to face a formidable opponent, but I think Ohio State still is victorious, and the QB debate has been solidified after this game.  Buckeyes Record: 3-0

Colorado- Sept. 24
Don't know much about the Buffaloes.  It's a home game though, and for that reason alone, I see OSU being victorious against a mid to bottom level Pac-12 opponent.  Buckeyes Record: 4-0

Michigan State- Oct. 1
Michigan State is much improved from previous years.  With their success last year (winning a share of the Big Ten Title, New Year's Day bowl), they are riding a high right now under the direction of former OSU assistant Mark Dantonio.  Michigan State has not played well in Ohio Stadium though, and although the game may be tighter than some in the recent past, Ohio State holds on thanks to the defense.
Buckeyes Record: 5-0

@ Nebraska- Oct. 8
All of the suspended players who made a promise to remain at Ohio State and not leave like a pussy will be back for this game, the largest of the season up to this point..  It's not gonna matter.   Nebraska, in a night game, will prevail, handing Ohio State their first loss of the season.  Buckeyes Record: 5-1

@ Illinois- Oct. 15
The Fighting Illini always seem to bring their best when they are facing Ohio State.  My senior year, they delivered a loss to OSU at home that would have sent them tumbling from the National Championship picture in their second to last game of the season, but divine intervention stepped in and allowed us to lose our second straight National Title game.  Awesome.  Anyway, OSU is bigger, and wins in a tight one.  That's what she said.  Buckeyes Record: 6-1

Wisconsin- Oct. 29
This game will decide whether Ohio State plays in the first ever Big Ten Championship game in Indianapolis on Dec. 3.
Coming off a Bye Week will be the saving grace for Luke's boys.  Wisconsin travels to Michigan State the week before for a night game, and then comes to Columbus for another away, night game.  With all the success that we had against Michigan over my tenure as a student, I really developed a hatred for Wisconsin. I even hate the dumbass "W" their band has on their unis.  Over the last 4 meetings, we are 2-2 with the Badgers.  Anyway, as I said earlier, the home field advantage proves important, as does the week of rest.  Buckeyes prevail.  Buckeyes Record: 7-1

Indiana- Nov. 5
It's Indiana....Buckeyes win.  Buckeyes Record: 8-1

@ Purdue- Nov. 12
Another middle of the pack Big Ten team that Ohio State should have no problem dispatching.
Buckeyes Record: 8-1

Penn State- Nov. 19
If Penn State had a QB from the get go that they trusted, I could see this being a difficult game, but with all the  issues surrounding a Penn State team that has only had a tie of a Big Ten title twice in the last 15 years, I don't see this game being a problem.  Buckeyes Record: 9-1

@Michigan- Nov. 26
This will be one of the closest games in the rivalry since the 2006 1 vs. 2 matchup in Columbus.  I could see Ohio State losing this game, but for the sake of this prediction, I am going to say they prevail, and continue their streak of victories over the Team from Up North to 8 (although the records will not show such a streak due to the vacating of all of 2010's victories).

I see Ohio State playing Nebraska again in the Big Ten Championship game, and unfortunately losing to them.    I just hope to see a season of good games with some success for Luke Fickell after he has been thrust into this position where people all expect him to fail.  Enjoy the games, everybody.



Friday, July 8, 2011

My Brother has a Wife

Still odd for me to say, but my brother is married, has a wife, and I have a sister-in-law.

It was a great long weekend that I was a part of, although I couldn't do it on a regular basis.  I went to the zoo (f off haters, sometimes you gotta do the sensitive stuff for the girl) and thought I was gonna collapse due to heat exhaustion and having no gas in my legs.  Friday was the 1st and hopefully only Annual Craig Burrows Freedom Outing, which grouped friends and family who fancy themselves golfers against one another for some cash and bragging rights.  Seeing as how I organized it, it would be fitting that my group would win the whole thing, although there was no foul play involved.  All you boys just need to tighten your games up, that's all.
Lou had been losing at the track, so my win helped to recoup some losses.  That, and the
Smails kid picking his nose.

Then came the rehearsal for the ceremony and rehearsal dinner.  To me, this past weekend was nothing but a blur of open bars, and a lot more hard liquor than I am used to drinking.  For those of you who have never drank Bombay Sapphire and tonic with a lime, I highly recommend it.  After rehearsal dinner, stoagies were lit to celebrate The Brother's last evening as a free man (and to try and make sure he really wanted to go through with it).

Saturday was a relaxed morning.  The photographer was set to arrive at 11:15 AM, so naturally, our preparation for the arrival started at approximately 11:08 AM.  Took a few photos with the groomsmen, slugged a few brews, and started on our way to a life of imprisonment for The Brother.  Beautiful ceremony, although seemed long when you are standing on your feet on a tile floor with tuxedo shoes on. Limo bus escorted the wedding party to various locations for pictures, as well as giving us an opportunity to loosen up with some libations before the reception.  The rest of the night flew after my speech, which if you have not seen, can be viewed here, but fun was had by all.  Nobody got too rowdy, but there were numerous people who needed cabs.

But enough about the wedding, I need to talk about the Tribe last night.  Sitting there watching them get no two out hits and leave countless men on base, I became frustrated.  Batista made an unbelievable play at third base, and then hit a bomb 2/3 of the way up the bleachers in the 8th for the "4th insurance run" when it looked all game like 1 would be enough.  Then a single, a couple walks, another single, and Hafner strolls to the plate.  He takes a huge hack at the first pitch (to which i received a text from an AnF employee who shall remain nameless saying "I said: 'please dont swing at the first pitch.") As soon as it left the bat he turns toward the Toronto dugout, flexes, yells, and takes his walk around the diamond after his second last at bat homer this season. 
Hafner's "Do you know how big my dick is?" Face

The only thing close to being as entertaining was Luis Perez' reaction, yelling his disgust into his glove, the way Little Leaguers do when they don't want their Dad to hear them cuss.  Here's to hoping the Tribe can end the break on a high note, and carry it into the second half.

Bobbaganoosh's Beer Corner Recommendation of the Week:  No beer choice this week.  Have a Bombay and Tonic with a lime and enjoy.



Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Big Weekend Ahead...

Big weekend upcoming in Bobbaganoosh's life.  The younger brother is parting ways with bachelorhood and getting hitched.  It was inevitable and only a matter of time until it happened, so I can't really say that I didn't see it coming.  He's got a good girl, she's moving to TN with him, and they will start their new life together.

I will attempt to have my speech taped, and see if I can even link it to here when i recover from what is sure to be a very long weekend.  Lots of out of town family are descending on Cleveland, so it will be good to catch up and throw back a few drinks with them.

On another note, I would just like to express my absolute disdain for Grady Sizemore in particular and the offense of the Cleveland Indians.  I know they won last night, but the hitting from this team over the past month has been a joke.  Sizemore needs to spend more time in the cage and not so much time taking pictures of himself in the mirror, fucking pretty boy.

Management has a big decision to make in the next few weeks too.  With the trade deadline just over a month away, do they deal the talent for more "prospects", or do they say "let's try and make a run at the Central" and go out and get a bat?  Only time will tell.

Beer Recommendation of the Week:  Thirsty Dog Whippet Wheat

Everyone enjoy their long holiday weekends, and don't be stupid and drive drunk.  Ask Shin Soo Choo.  Or Ryan Dunn.  Too soon?



Wednesday, June 8, 2011

T(he) P(lague) has been eliminated

              High School                                                OSU

Don't worry, he has receipts for all of those.

Yesterday the second domino fell, as Terrelle Pryor bitched out and had his lawyer deliver a one sentence statement that his tenure at The Ohio State University was over.  This should come as no surprise to anyone (as I had been saying since the Tressel resignation that I thought he would never put on the Scarlet and Gray again).  As the wise Craig Vild stated yesterday, to call Pryor's flameout from Columbus "Clarett-esque" is to do a disservice to Mo.  At least he brought us a National Championship....

Cyrus the Virus beared many similarities to TP2

In other flameout, douchebag news, Tiger Woods announced he would not be playing in this year's US Open at the regal Congressional Country Club in Bethesda, MD due to a lingering injury to his twice repaired knee and achilles that he allegedly injured on an awkward shot in the third round of the Masters this year.  Bobbaganoosh's brother knew 3 weeks ago that TW would not be playing in the "toughest examination of the players' golf games" they face all year.  Tiger's injury is much worse than he is leading us to believe.  It is my belief that he needs another season ending surgery (possibly to repair both knees).  The injuries, along with his constant swing tinkering, and lack of strange ass are all creating the perfect storm that has lead to him dropping to 15th in the World Golf Rankings.Tiger Woods Mistresses
Does anyone else see the outlier here?

The Tribe ended their 5 game slide last night by beating the Twins 1-0 behind solid pitching from Carlos Carrasco and some surprisingly good defense.  As their lead in the AL Central has dwindled to a mere 1.5 game lead over the Tigers, they need to get back on track, and in my humble opinion, make some line up changes.  Chisenhunt should get a shot at 3rd, LaPorta should be riding pine, and if Santana does not become more productive on the offensive side, he should join LaPorta.

Finally, let's talk about Weiner.  Anthony Weiner, that is.  This dumbass sends pictures of his namesake to a pornstar who he then tried to keep quiet by asking her if she needed some PR help from people on his staff.  This guy is all-time man.  I know you were jealous that your brother, Jeremy Schaap was more famous than you, but Tweeting pictures of your dick to a woman who sucks them for a living is probably not the best way to draw attention to yourself.  Just saying.

Jeremy Schaap is very disappointed in his brother.

I am also going to start a little section at the end of my posts called "Bobbaganoosh's Beer Corner", where I will make recommendations for beers that I have recently enjoyed, and are worth a try.  Today's is Brooklyn Brewery's Summer Ale.  Nice English Pale Ale with citrus notes, a slight taste of banana and a crisp finish.



Wednesday, June 1, 2011

There was only One Way this could End...

I am not shocked.  

I woke up Monday morning with a terrible headache, after hosting a little barbeque for The Peanut's birthday weekend with some great friends.  I don't know if it was the 18 beers (ballpark) that I consumed, or if After my ESP was in overload from the news I was about to learn. 
Actual photo captured Monday morning in my bedroom

The parents were driving home from a weekend out of town and she said she had heard Jim Tressel had been fired.  Well, it turned out it was a resignation, but either way, his days of leading my alma mater's football program had come to an end after a tumultuous 6 months of speculation and accusations (most of which is turning out to be correct, and much worse than anyone expected).
The storm clouds had gathered at the Spring Game for Tressel

This is the only way this story could have ended.  The University had to part ways with JT in an effort to gain some mercy from the NCAA.  If he was still at the helm of the football program during the August Infraction Committee meetings, they would have thrown the book at OSU.

Gene Smith needs to lose his job.  You expect me to believe that the head of one of the largest athletic departments in the country had no idea that this many infractions were occurring within his most profitable sport?  C'mon Man...
Gene Smith's 'This was an isolated incident' face

 And who would  have thought, that the stud dual threat QB from Jeanette, PA, a recruit  Tress pursued probably harder than any other in his tenure, would ultimately lead to his demise?  Terrelle Pryor is a virus to that program.  And what is worse, you see him driving around in his sports car, smiling and waving to the ESPN cameras without an ounce of remorse for what has happened to his coach, and on a bigger scale, the program.   I always knew he was a cocky piece of trash, but now to let your coach burn so you and your buddies can get inked up and smoke a little herb, that’s not right.

As for replacements, which I know is where Buckeye Nation will speculate over the next who knows how many months, will have no answers until everyone knows what type of sanctions and penalties are going to be levied against the program.   No coach wants to come to a school where they are not bowl eligible before they take the field in their first game.  Mark Dantonio’s name has been thrown around, but I think he has turned a corner, and would be stupid to leave East Lansing.  Bo Pelini, of the newly minted Big Ten Nebraska has also been named, because he was a Earle Bruce disciple, as well as Urban Meyer.  The severity of the punishment is going to determine who they get.  We’ll see.  I also think this is just the beginning, and the lid is gonna be blown off a lot more problems.

In unrelated news, I managed to run a hellacious 5.25 miles of hills in Chagrin Falls Sunday with The Peanut and my good buddy, The Leb Stallion.  Although I was sweating like a whore in church, my mind was put at ease when The Leb Stallion and The Peanut, both of whom ran the Cleveland Half Marathon within the last month, said this five miler was more difficult than the 13.1 they ran in Cleveland.

Enjoy the short week everyone.



Monday, May 23, 2011

Thanks, Macho Man. And my new move to impress The Peanut

Well, we all survived the Rapture thanks to the events that took place in the picture above.  I found it on the internet, so it has to be true.  6 PM rolled around Saturday night, and when i didnt see a wave from Lake Erie heading toward the putting green at Pine Hills, I breathed a huge sigh of relief.  Here is my biggest problem with the whole thing...As a member of society, I can't call in a bomb threat to my office building without getting arrested, so why can this asshole from FamilyRadio.com say that the rapture/end of the world is coming, and have nothing happen to him?  Additionally, he collects over $100 million in donations, and nothing happens, where is all that cash now?  A true Christian would return the funds, but no chance in hell that happens.  Pun Intended.

For all 8 people that actually still watch SNL, this past weekend was worth the watch.  My boy, J Timberlake hosted with Gaga as the musical guest.  Almost all the classic Timberlake skits were in effect: Bring it on down to (insert cause)ville, The Barry Gibb Talk Show (complete with a hilarious Jimmy Fallon), and of course a new SNL Digital Short.  It brought back our favorite chin strap donning, 90's suit wearing boys famous for sticking their junk in boxes, and banging each others mom's.  This time they taught us some very important life lessons.  First, "The Golden Rule", which states that it's not gay, when its in a three-way.  Next, nothing sets the mood like some Bartles and James or Alluze.  Finally, and most importantly if you are looking to impress a chick, helicopter dick.

The video can be seen here. 

Hope everyone had a great weekend, and is looking forward to a nice long one upcoming.



Friday, May 20, 2011

The Rapture is Coming...

I'm not a religious man, and consider myself a skeptic for the most part.  I say "Jesus Christ", "Goddamnit", and all the other heathen phrases that will send me to eternal damnation.  Whatever, at least im not an idiot who pisses his money away.

Bart Centre, an atheist from Alstead, New Hampshire, started Eternal Eath-Bound Pets, a service for when the Rapture comes, he will take care of your pet for a very fair $135.  And if you have multiple pets, its only $20 per additional pet.  What a deal!   What is the phrase...."Hell hath no fury like God's scorn for those who rip others off"?  The sad thing is, this douche has already had almost 260 people sign up for his services.  Whatever, at least the little guy in the picture below is all good...

In related news, FamilyRadio.com, the people who made the prediction 9 years ago that the Rapture would take place on May 21, 2011, have had over 100 MILLION DOLLARS donated to their cause over the past 9 years to place over 5,000 billboards up and spread their message.  God, there are a lot of stupid people out there.  They obviously didn't use any of the money to build a great website, look at this piece of shit.  Looks like something I designed in that pedophile Mr. Johnson's 7th grade Tech Ed class.

Whatever, I'm done ranting for the day.  Good luck this weekend with God's Giant Vacuum Cleaner.



Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Cavs Draft Problems, the Tribe, and a shoutout to Charlie

I'm sorry, am I the only one who wanted to know why Bernie Kosar, Josh Cribbs, and Joe Haden were at the lottery pick last night for the NBA Draft?  Gilbert's 14-year old son, who suffers from Neurofibromatosis  sat on stage like a boss, wearing a bow tie and thick rimmed glasses when he "does not require them" ala Nick Pappagiorgio. 

Look, I'm happy for the Cavs, who now own the first and fourth pick in this year's draft.  I have to ask though, who thinks that Kyrie Irving is really going to have an impact on this team?  The Cavs history in the draft does not bode well for Irving lighting the league on fire.  Let's look at some of the first  round gems they have selected over the past 15 years:

1996: Vitaly Potapenko- 12th Overall Pick    BUST

1997: Derek Anderson- 13th Overall Pick     QB, Arizona Cardinals

1998: Ryan Stack- 48th Overall Pick             BUST

1999: Andre Miller- 8th Overall Pick             Decent Selection, had some good years in CLE
          Trajon Langdon- 11th Overall Pick     BUST

2000: Jamal Crawford- 8th Overall Pick        Traded to Chicago for their pick, Chris Mihm <headslap>
                                                                     For those of you who don't remember Chris Mihm, he was
                                                                     a pussy.  A soft, 7 footer, who rode the coattails of Kobe to
                                                                     a ring in Los Angeles while not playing a single playoff minute.

2001: Desagana Diop- 8th Overall Pick         BUST
          Brendan Haywood- 20th Overall Pick  Traded to Orlando for Michael Doleac....fuck me

2002: Dajuan Wagner- 6th Overall Pick         Carlos Boozer was taken in 2nd round...

2003: LeBron James- 1st Overall Pick           Gave CLE best basketball it has ever seen, left team in ruins
                                                                      after his departure

2004: Luke Jackson- 10th Overall Pick         Played 46 games in first 2 seasons, now playing in NBDL

2005: No First Round Picks

2006: Shannon Brown- 25th Overall Pick     Never saw the floor time deserved; playing best ball of career
                                                                    in Los Angeles with the Lakers

2007: No Selections

2008: J.J. Hickson- 19th Overall Pick           Jury is still out on Hickson;  Can show flashes of brilliance, but
                                                                    can also look lost on the floor.

2009: Christian Eyenga- 30th Overall Pick    Got first solid playing time in 2010-2011 season

2010:  No Selections

Taking a kid who played in 11 games in college due to a ligament injury to his foot and has already been quoted as saying " I'm not LeBron James" tells me he doesn't want the weight of a town on his shoulders, or weak foot.  Most mock drafts have Enes Kanter going at the 4 spot to the Cavs.  The same Enes Kanter who committed to play for the Washington Huskies, then reopened his recruiting and landed at Kentucky with the most upstanding coach in America, John Calipari.  He never laced the shoes up once because of a NCAA violation for  accepting $33,000 in benefits and was given the title of "Student Assistant Coach".  This just sounds like trouble.

In brighter news, the Indians have put up 26 runs in the last two games against the Royals.  The bats have come alive, and the pitching has been stout the entire year.  Here is to hoping this team is not a flash in the pan, and can endure through the dog days of summer and bring this city into a pennant race.

In personal news, The Peanut's grandfather, who is the man, undergoes a very serious operation today at the Clinic.  Everyone send him your well wishes for a successful surgery, and a quick recovery.



Monday, May 16, 2011

Inaugural Post

To those of you who will actually visit this blog, welcome!  Sorry that you have nothing better to do than read the ramblings of an opiniated ass like me.  I thought I would start one after I learned The Peanut did nothing but read them 7 hours a day, ballpark.

I signed up for a half marathon in Columbus this afternoon after The Peanut finished her first one yesterday, posting a solid 2:13 in the first half The Peanut has run.  Not bad, for someone who's hardest running in their life was at parties as an underaged undergrad, and that was usually in sandals.

It's The Moose's mother's birthday today.  She hits the Big 5-0, and would probably kill me for telling this to the world (or 3 people who actually read this blog.)  Happy Birthday Mom.  For all your eccentricities, I love you.

Whoever said "April Showers bring May flowers" can kiss my ass, as it seems that it hasn't stopped raining in 57 days.  Living in Cleveland this spring has almost been a fate worse than death.  I don't even bother making tee times anymore because I know I will just be playing through a varying degree of rain, and no one else is stupid enough to want to play in this crap.

Anyway, I think I am done for post numero uno.  I will hop on here and give my thoughts on anything I see that I want to vent about.  If you dont agree, or don't want to read the blog anymore, there is an alternative for you at this site.


The Moose